Resource Manual Table of Contents
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Midwest Holy Cross Associates Resource Manual
- Introduction
- 1.1. Midwest Holy Cross Associates
- 1.2. DVD: Holy Cross Associates – God, Community, Service
- 1.3. Brief History of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Excerpted from the CSC Constitutions)
- 1.4. DVD: “Moreau – A Legacy of Hope” (A Film by Marilyn Schultz, ©2006; 30 min. CD)
- 1.5. “Moreau – Someone for whom the Associates are important” (Sr. Graziella Lalande, CSC)
- 1.6. DVD: “Men With Hope to Bring” Brothers of Holy Cross
- 1.7. History of Holy Cross Associates in the Midwest Province
- 1.8. Current Organization – Sponsorship by Midwest Province, Brothers of Holy Cross
- 1.9. Blessed Basile Moreau, Founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross
(Only available in its original booklet form – Éditions Fides, 2007)
- Participation and Leadership Materials
- 2.1. What is an Associate? (Being an Associate is a “calling” or vocation)
- 2.1.1. What is HCA? (Moreau Catholic H.S. – Power Point presentation slides)
- 2.1.2. Basics of HC Spirituality & Logo of Holy Cross Associates
- 2.1.3. Defining Commitments of Holy Cross Associates
- 2.2. Starting a new MHCA Chapter (A Step by Step Process)
- 2.3. Initial exposure for new candidates – “Come and See” gatherings (TBD)
- 2.3.1. HCA Master Presentation – comprehensive Power Point slides
- 2.4. Typical Chapter Gathering – Frequency, Structure and Content;
Spiritual Growth (Lectio Divina); Forming Community; plus sample Agenda - 2.5. Other Resources on the Lectio Divina Process – expanded explanations & examples
- 2.5.1. “Lectio Divina – HCA”: for use by Holy Cross Associates
- 2.5.2. Excerpts from “Lectio Divina: Framework of Teresian Prayer”
- 2.5.3. “Accepting the Embrace of God: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina” –
reprinted from St. Andrew’s Abbey
- 2.6. Serving God’s People – Individual or Group Ministries (TBD)
- 2.7. Sample “Invitation” Flyer
- 2.8. Sample Monthly Planners
- 2.1. What is an Associate? (Being an Associate is a “calling” or vocation)
- Testimonials
- 3.1. How do you know you are being called to association? (Kate Samalik)
- 3.2. Why join HCA? (Tom Labuzienski)
- 3.3. How has HCA affected my work and ministry? (Jessica Plaspohl)
- 3.4. How has HCA affected my family life (my marriage / my children)? (Cindy Bath)
- 3.5. How has HCA deepened my spiritual life? (Roberta Gittens / Sandy Neja)
- Formation
- 4.1. Initial Interview and Follow-up Questions for those feeling called to association
- 4.2. Guidelines for Formation Process of new candidates
- 4.2.1. Abbreviated formation for those familiar with Holy Cross; “Come Follow Me”
- 4.2.2. Intensive formation for those new to Holy Cross and its charisms; “Pilgrimage to Holy Cross”; review of the Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Booklet to be used in conjunction with accompanying DVD, see below, and with items 6.1. Constitutions and 6.1. Questions for Study of the Constitutions)
- 4.3. Final discernment before first commitment: “A Journey Discerning Commitment”
- 4.4. Ongoing formation of members following their first yearly commitment; incorporating Lectio Divina into monthly gatherings and using the HCA booklets for spiritual growth
- 4.5. Yearly Retreats and Regional / National Conferences – TBD
- Associates Chapter Coordination and Communication
- 5.1. Chapter List
- 5.2. Updating of member rosters (TBD)
- 5.3. Annual Commitment Form – Individual yearly commitment
- 5.4. Communications Committee – (TBD)
- 5.5. Chapter Vibrancy Assessment and Chapter Vibrancy Grid (to be conducted periodically)
- General References and Resources for Monthly Gatherings
- 6.1. Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Rome, 1996)
6.1. Questions for Study of the Constitutions - 6.2. Booklets for use during the Lectio Divina process
- 6.2.1. “Pilgrimage to Holy Cross”, An Associate Formation Program, based on a study of the Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Used with accompanying DVD) 6.2.1. DVD: “Pilgrimage to Holy Cross”
- 6.2.2. “With Hope to Bring”, A Resource in Spirituality, by experiencing the special gifts (charisms) of Holy Cross
- 6.2.3. “Christian Discipleship” …With Zeal and Hope to bring… Exploring Christ’s call to discipleship and seeing our ministry as a personal relationship to Christ
- 6.2.4. “Saints”, A Resource in Spirituality, as exemplified by men and women who embody aspects of Holy Cross spirituality
- 6.2.5. “Growing in Christ”, Welcome to a Season of Transformation in Holy Cross, initiated through Christian commitment
- 6.2.6. “The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis’ Gift for Our Time” and his dream for renewal in today’s Catholic Church
- 6.2.7. “Jesus: A Pilgrimage”, A Resource in Spirituality for Holy Cross Associates, based on the book by Rev. James Martin, SJ
- 6.2.8. “A Path to Mercy and Peace”, exploring themes from St. Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton
- 6.2.9. “Apostolic Zeal: A Call to Christian Leadership”, exploring the theme from Blessed Fr. Moreau’s exhortation, ‘Competency to See, Courage to Act’
- 6.3. DVD: “Introduction to Centering Prayer”, Produced and Offered by David & Connie Bannon
- 6.1. Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross (Rome, 1996)
June 26, 2014; rev. 02/03/2017
Student Contest
Each year, Midwest Holy Cross Associates (MHCA) sponsors an Essay and Video Contest for the students in Holy Cross High Schools.